Visitor Economy Sector Policy, Governance and Public Investments

Visitor economy strategies for destinations, regions and countries; Strategies and roadmaps to expand the tourism economy; Policies that enable inward investment; Value chain analysis for wider and deeper economic and livelihood impacts; Policy reforms for tourism and its’ various sub-sectors; Framing and drafting regulations; Program design for public investments in tourism infrastructure and sector development; Public-Private Partnerships in tourism infrastructure projects and sector development programs; Economic value analysis of public investments; Regional Cooperation in tourism; Impact evaluation

Destinopedia recognises the tourism and visitor economy sector as a high-growth and critical economic sector. Destinopedia brings forth deep expertise and strategic thinking to drive such economic growth as a potential instrument for social change and equitable growth.

At the destination level Destinopedia’s work can positively impact livelihood creation, consumption of local produce and fair trade. At the regional / state and national level our insights and support enables Government adopt a multi-sectoral approach and direct catalytic public investments to expand this economic sector and crowd-in private investments towards balanced economic development, targeted upliftment of vulnerable sections of society, and achieving sustainable development goals.