Strategies to transform Government tourism organisations; Aligning institutional structures and functions to market realities and emerging trends; Institutional design for sustainable destination management; Multi-sectoral mechanisms to grow the visitor economy; Partnership mechanisms between Government, hospitality travel-trade and local SMEs.
Building capacity of public and private sector tourism organisations; Building community awareness; Field-level exercises with host communities; Arranging exposure visits for destination managers; Structured training programs, workshops, webinars. Building eco-system capacity for the visitor economy – across all elements of the supply chain, and at all levels from executive leadership to customer-service executives.
Strengthening institutions, transforming the ability to deliver the mandate, and building human resource skills and expertise in both the public and private sector organisations in the tourism sector is vital to its sustenance and robust growth.
With a focus on ‘building-forward-better’, and not just ‘building-back-better’; public and private organisations across the value-chain in the visitor economy need to be oriented into operational strategies that enliven the goals of inclusive growth. Building capacities within remote communities, women and other marginal groups is essential to integrate them seamlessly into this opportunity for socio-economic transformation.